Thursday, October 31, 2019
Forensic Pathologys Role in Homicide Investigations Research Paper
Forensic Pathologys Role in Homicide Investigations - Research Paper Example Today, when death occurs that raises suspicion, a forensic investigation is conducted so as to understand the cause of death, the identity of the deceased, time, and place where the death occurred, how the death occurred, as well as the circumstances of the death (Wecht & Kaufmann, 2009). However, unlike the investigations initially conducted by coroners, forensic investigations are conducted by professionally trained medical examiners so as to establish the real cause of death. What is notable is that forensic investigation of the cause of death is multi-disciplinary that entails the collaboration of forensic pathologist, forensic scientists, crime scene investigators (CSIs), entomologists, anthropologists, as well as odontologists among other specialists (Wecht & Kaufmann, 2009). This paper will explore the roles of forensic pathologist in homicide investigations. A forensic pathologist refers to a professional medical doctor performing autopsies on people whose deaths have occurred suddenly, unexpectedly or due to poisonings or trauma (Robinson & Cina, 2011). The causes of such deaths are not easy to determine without a special postmortem investigations being conducted on the body to establish the real cause of death and the circumstances that led to the death. Generally when a death has been reported, it is the responsibility of crime scene investigators (CSIs) to move to the scene of the accident and carry out preliminary investigations as to the cause of death (Robinson & Cina, 2011). Nevertheless, it has come out that some deaths especially those involving sudden deaths resulting from homicide such as serial murders are not easy to establish without a postmortem thereby calling for forensic pathologists to carry out investigations. Therefore, one of the major roles of forensic pathologists as far as the investigation of homicide is concerned is the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Fashion Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Fashion Media - Essay Example The paper "Fashion Media" concerns the fashion and media. In both active and passive audience, theorists have come up to try and bring up their ideas related to these ends in relation to the social reality. Therefore, the key issues are how individual audiences cognitive of self and reality, and more so the cognitive process by which an individual receives and interprets media content and form. To achieve the answer to this question, the active audience are very vital members used in different theories, beliefs and conceits. According to different scholars, audience activity is a very important component in the study of the impact of mass media to the universe, and essential to the utilization and gratification approach. This gives a wide range of meanings termed as both merits and demerits of the construct. In this regard, these different definitions are such that it can be said to be both cognitive and socio-structural, normative and objective, socially variable and innate. An acti vity has been further defined by different scholars to exist preceding to media utilization, through media use and following media use. These different studies have given birth to complex and multi-dimensional constructs. The term audience activity is defined differently in relation to different terms. First is in relation to selectivity. In this, audience activity is depicted as the directing process of the media, program and content selection. In literature gratification, this term is used to represent selective disclosure.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Concepts Of Partnership And Collaboration Social Work Essay
The Concepts Of Partnership And Collaboration Social Work Essay The concepts of partnership and collaboration have become amongst the most critical themes of new Labours social policy, particularly in respect of the delivery of health and social care. (Lymbery, M, 2005) This is the reason why a reflective summary will be produced in which concepts of partnership, the philosophies and the reducing of negative outcomes for professional, client and organization will be discussed in greater depth. Proposals for minimising negative outcomes will also be covered. CONTENT CONCEPTS OF PARTNERSHIP The definitions of partnership according to Collins English dictionary, 1991 is equal commitment or the state of being a partner. Partnership is also defined as a shared commitment, where all partners have a right and an obligation to participate and will be affected equally by the benefits and disadvantages arising from the partnership as defined by Carnwell, R. and Carson, A. in 2008. Partnership defining attributes are trust and confidence in accountability, respect for specialist expertise, joint working, teamwork, blurring of professional boundaries, member of partnerships share the same vested interests, appropriate governance structures, common goals, transparent lines of communication within and between partner agencies, agreement about the objectives, reciprocity and empathy. Antecedents of partnership are as follow: individual, local and national initiatives, commitment to shared vision about joint venture, willingness to sign up to creating a relationship that will support vision and also value cooperation and respect what other partners bring to the relationship. Partnership provides a number of benefits such as social exclusion will be tackled more efficiently, service provision from different organisations will be less repetitive, activities by agencies will be less diluted and the chance of agencies producing services that are counterproductive to each other will be reduced. However, there are also barriers in working in partnership for instance, complexity of relationships, representativeness of wider public, tokenism and excessive influence of the vocal groups, desire of individuals not to be involved in making decisions about their care, threat to confidentiality, role boundary conflicts, inter-professional differences of perspective and threats to professional identity. (Carnwell, R. and Carson, A. , 2008) PHILOPSOPHIES OF WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP In working in partnership, there are few philosophies that underpin partnership working. The philosophies are empowerment, independence, humanity, equity, trust and respect. Empowerment in the context of health and social care is a process through which people gain greater control over decision and actions that will affect their health. (World Health Organisation, 1998) The reason why empowerment is important in the partnership of health and social care context is because they are the vital foundation of developing an honest relationship between client and professional. They also have become accepted principles in social work practice and have received legislative endorsement as the foundation stones of quality relationships between users and providers of community care services as mentioned by Braye, S. and Preston-Shoot, M., in 1993. Without empowerment, a partnership working will not be effective. Independence according to Oxford, 2010 is free from outside control; not subject to anothers authority. Independence in terms of partnership in the health and social care perspective is the ability to make decision that will affect the life of a person without the control of others, be it health professional, family member etc. Other than that, it can also be described as a situation in which a person is not under the power of others. An example for independence in partnership is between a patient and a health professional, the patient should be given the autonomy to choose the choice of treatment that he wants to undergo, not chosen by the professional. Humanity is the quality of being humane according to Oxford, 2010. Equity means fairness. Equity in health means that peoples needs guide the distribution of opportunities for well-being. (WHO, 1998) Equity in partnership means that every client should be treated and given the access to health services equally. The WHO global strategy of achieving Health for All is fundamentally directed towards achieving greater equity in health between and within populations and between countries. This implies that all people have an equal opportunity to develop and maintain their health, through fair and just access to resources for health. (WHO, 1998) A commitment to partnership working can only be fostered if the partnership itself displays openness in the way it conducts its affairs, open book accounting has to be taken to the extreme if a partnership is to be successful. The reason why trust is important in a partnership is because once distrust enters into a relationship, it is bound to fail. As mutual confidence grows at the individual level so it becomes much easier for the partnership as a whole to become more transparent in its working and thus, encourage trust between partners. (Geddes, M., 2005) Trust in the health and care setting is essential because without trust, it is difficult for a client to be open and honest to the professional. Respect in partnership is important because in partnership, partners work together to achieve common goals and this relationship is based on mutual respect for each others skills and competencies and recognition of the advantage of combining these resources to achieve beneficial outcomes. Partnership in the health and social care context can be linked to the key of successful doctor-patient partnerships in which that patient will be recognised as the experts by the doctor. The doctor is, or should be, well informed about diagnostic techniques, the cause of disease, prognosis, treatment options, and preventive strategies, but only the patient knows about his or her experience of illness, social circumstances, habits and behaviour, attitudes to risk, values, and preferences. Both types of knowledge are needed to manage illness successfully, so both parties should be prepared to share information and take decisions jointly. (Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry, 2001) MODELS OF CARE IN RELATION TO PARTNERSHIP PHILOSOPHIES Models of care are made up of two models. They are the medical model and social model. In medical model, their thinking is that the disability of a person is of their own fault, their future is on the result of the diagnosis, they also tend to be labelled, their impairment becomes the focus of attention, assessment, monitoring, programmes of therapy are imposed to them, separation and alternative services are the only options, their ordinary needs are also put on hold, they are also only allowed to re-enter the ordinary world if they are normal enough otherwise it is permanent exclusion and society remains unchanged. (BFI, 2009) In this model, the independence of patient is being violated as their therapy is imposed on them, not their own choice. Their equity is also defied as they are being excluded socially. On the other hand, in social model thinking, the disabled person is valued, strengths and needs are defined by self and others, barriers are identified and solutions will be developed, outcome based programme are designed, resources are made available to ordinary services, training for parents and professionals are also provided, relationships are nurtured, diversity are also welcomed and child is included and society evolves to accept the disable. (BFI, 2009) In this model, the client is empowered such as the NHS Expert patient programme in which client take control of their own live without the relying on others. Another strategy that fosters empowerment is the Prosumers in which providers (the disabled person) are also the consumers (supporting other disabled person as a support team). (Dickerson, F., 1998) THE OUTCOMES RECOMMENDATIONS As mentioned in the working in partnership concept, partnership offers various advantages to different level of service user be it users, practitioners and organisations. Alas, it also has its own disadvantages which both will be looked into briefly. In working with partnership, the advantage is that workload between practitioners will be distributed equally according to ones own expertise. For example, the partnership between family nurses, the supervisor and social worker in safeguarding vulnerable child. If babies and young people who may have been, or are likely to be, abused or neglected. Family nurses will refer a child to social worker as a child in need, when appropriate, and will act on concerns that the child may suffer or likely to suffer significant harm. Family nurses will also receive weekly supervision and together with the supervisor work closely with social worker with safeguarding responsibilities. (HM Government, 2010) This benefit both the service user (in this case is children) and organisation that the practitioners work for as work will become more efficient. The Working Together 1999 initiative sets out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004. (HM Government, 2010) Partnership with other organisations both involving statutory and voluntary will benefit service users as competition will arise. This will enhance the service being offered by the organisations involved. As an example is the British Red Cross as the voluntary organisation and local department of social work as the statutory. The NHS and Community Care Act in 1990 split the role of health authorities and local authorities by changing their internal structure, so that local authority departments assess the needs of the local population and then purchase the necessary services from providers such as the Red Cross. Community care ensures people in need of long-term care are now being able to live either in their own home, with adequate support, or in a residential home setting. (UWIC, 2010) This adequate support can be obtained from the Red Cross, such as support after being discharged from the hospital until they are fully empowered of themselves to be independent again. Support is imp ortant as seeking help from professional can help client to recover better. This will benefit both client and also organisation. Albeit partnership offers benefits to everyone, it also has its own challenges. One of the major problems of working in partnership is confidentiality. The more people working together on a case, the chances of information to be breached will increase. Along the way, information could also get lost as well. This is because one party will think specific information is not as important as what other parties will think. To overcome this problem in protecting personal data of a client, the 1998 Data Protection Act is the key legislation which covers all aspects of information processed. Additionally, especially in health and social care, to ensure that this act is put into operation, the Caldicott principle is introduced. (Department of Health, 2010) In general, working in partnership is a great way to tackle issues effectively. However, the idea of partnership does not usually work as what is expected ideally in reality. Partnership working can be difficult to do well, it can be costly if not properly managed and it may not deliver the desired outcomes if the aims and objectives are not clear. On the other hand, it can be reduced by having plans and strategies as a guidance that must be revised after a certain period of time by local authority. The principal purpose of guidance is to provide a framework against which to test potential new partnerships and examine existing ones, to ensure that the Authority can be reassured that the partnership under consideration is one which will contributes positively to its agenda. (Rochford District Council, 2009) CONCLUSION Working in partnership in health and social care is beneficial to all service users, inter professional working and organisational that is involved although it has its own negative consequences. These negative outcomes however can be reduced by referring to guidelines and policies that needs to be updated from time to time.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
The Tea Party’s Influence on American Politics Throughout American history, the role and size of the United States government has been debated since the 1st United States Congress. In modern times, a new conservative group, known as the Tea Party has formed to advocate for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and restoring traditional American values. This group has made it tougher for Democrats and Republicans to solve their differences. Receiving dramatic support when it formed, the Tea Party, acting as the most conservative members in government, has changed American politics by dividing the Republican party, making it tougher for Congress to pass bills, showing major opposition to the President, and causing gridlock within the government. The Tea Party is defined as a conservative grassroots movement that, â€Å"calls awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty of domestic tranquility of our beloved nation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ .1 In addition to this, there are many based Tea Party groups around the country, such as Tea Party Patriots and Tea Party 911.2 Furthermore, the formation of the Tea Party is not fully defined. Many Tea Party activist like to refer to the 1773 Boston Tea Party as when their movement was established.3 However, it is argued that the modern Tea Party formed on a nationwide protest, known as the Tax Day Protest, on September 12, 2009.4 This group was protesting nationwide against 787 billion dollar stimulus package and the 3.5 trillion dollar deficit that was implemented by the Obama Administration and a Democratic controlled Adams 2 Congress.5 While many argue that the Tea Party was formed as a grassroots coalition, others claim that this movement was funded by elites, former politicians and con... ...ugh time on dealing with the debt ceiling once again. Thirty Republican Tea Party members oppose raising that debt ceiling. Because of this, Republicans have to create a bill in which they will receive Democratic support. Hopefully, a bipartisan solution by all members will allow the debt ceiling to be risen.44 The Tea Party has changed politics by making the Republican Party more Conservative and making the legislation process slower. They have indeed influenced and change politics in the election process and caused the necessity of bipartisanship in Congress. In addition, they brought the debate about the interpretation of the Constitution, restoring traditional values, economic ideologies in America, and the role and size of the United States government. The Tea Party will go down in history as one of the groups that has changed American politics in many aspects.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essay on the Book Theif
â€Å"Deserves a place on the same shelf with The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank†¦ Poised to become a classic. †- USA Today on The Book Thief. I think next years incoming freshmen should read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak because of the unique way the book was written, showing the power of words. Within this essay I will write about the symbolism in the book. I will write about the narrator. I will also write about my personal experience with one of the characters. The symbolism within the book gives a unique perspective. The book uses symbolism when the narrator says â€Å"That last time. That red sky†¦ found on page 19 in The Book Thief. The narrator explains that the sky was red. He explains the emotion or feeling that was going on through color. Zusak shows the power of words throughout the book, especially when the character Max writes The Word Shaker. Death was the narrator of The Book Thief which made the book much more intriguing to me as a reader. If the book were to be narrated by anyone else it wouldn't have been able to flow as well. It would have not been able to tell what exactly happened to Max, or Liesel, or any other character. How when Death realizes Rudy dies he says â€Å"the boy from the plane, I thought.The one with the teddy bear. Where was his comfort? Where was someone to alleviate this robbery of his life? Who was there to sooth him as life's rug was snatched from under his sleeping feet? No one. There was only me. †found on page 531 in The Book Thief. I think it is very touching to read that even Death is sad about Rudy's death. Also if the book wasn't narrated the way it was then it wouldn't had been as memorable. Max's book, The Word Shaker had a powerful effect on me as I read the book. The way Max says that Liesel's words are stronger than Hitler's. Max says that Liesel's words are like a tree.The tree grows strong and tall until one day she gets off of the tree and lets the people chop it down. Whe n it is chopped down the words kill all the bad trees and makes people realize how strong words can be. I think that next year's incoming freshmen should read The Book Thief because of the unique way the book was written, showing the power of words. The symbolism within the book gives a unique perspective. Death was the narrator of The Book Thief which made the book much more intriguing to me as a reader. Max's book, The Word Shaker had a powerful effect on me as I read the book.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bullying in Schools Essay
Bullying is an ongoing problem for many schools and communities. This behavior consists of teasing, threats, and stalking. This behavior is unacceptable and can turn violent, and even worse, deadly. There are many influences in today’s world that promote this behavior such as music, video games, movies, parents and other peers. A bully is a person that’s show strong aggression either physically or verbally and thrives on gaining power over there victim. A bully has no respect for others and will resort to violence if needed. The environment where the child/ youth come from is just part of a factor that makes a bully. A parent and or other adult figure that lives in a hostile environment and displays negative actions or a bully themselves inspire and teach these children this is how to act. Another factor is when a child is being abused they take all their anger, hurt and aggression out on another because it gains them negative self-empowerment. Yet, another factor of bullying could be just an individual trying to fit in to the â€Å"in crowd â€Å"of their peers. Yet, peers fail to see their future will bring them to jail or prison. A victim is the individual who receive the attack. These attacks can be verbal, physical or psychological abuse. Most victims picked on are loner and appear to be very insecure. They tend to not talk back or take action being picked on. A bully finds his victim by either there appearance, shy types or being behind in their academics (low grade point average). Most victims want to gain approval and exception from others and normally make several attempts with the bully. There are several side effects from being bullied such as psychological issues, depression (feeling helpless – worthless), self- harm (cutting skin, hair loss), anxiety (stress), and worst case suicide. Bullying in schools is estimated 160,000 children and teenagers miss school every day out of fear of an attack or intimidation by another peer. Over two thirds of children and teenagers in our schools today have had some type of bullying and responded poorly to the situation. Researches show that bullying occurs more in boys than in girls when it comes to verbal threats. In the year of 1994-1999 there were 253 violent deaths in school, 51 casualties in multiple death events. Bullying is the main factor in school related deaths. (Hunter, 2012) Schools throughout the United States do respond to bullying with reactive meas ZERO tolerance†in place, they have also installed security cameras and have police on staff as well as monitoring hallways. As part of this policy students can be suspended and or expelled for carrying a gun or knife to school as well as bullying. On a recent pole I conducted many teachers and other school board members feel as though suspension and expulsion is an easy way for a child to escape out of education. Our community’s fails to see the school may be the only positive place the child may be able to come, throwing them out is not the answer. The school over the last five years has introduced new programs which also include and family counseling. Programs such as early intervention helps children build social skills and offers anger management. Training for teachers and all staff that are involved daily with the children need to be able to recognize and respond quickly and positively. Teacher need to be able to provide positive environment and stick to the rules of conduct and don’t let no slip up happen, pay attention. Parents need to provide a positive environment and monitor your children and who they associate with. Also look up lyrics to the songs your child hears or watch the movies they watch. If you the parent wither be the victims or bully feels like extra help is needed talk to the school psychologist or the child doctor. Talk to your child, ask how they feel and offer solutions that promote positive help. Some people feel that bullying is just something that happens during your younger days and the child will grow away from their actions. Let’s look here; school shooting is on a rise killing innocent children attempting to get back at their bullies. Suicide as young as third grade destroys homes, families and communities. Drug use is higher than ever and teenager everyday day die from over dosing. Unless society takes steps to fight this disease that peers face daily it will continue to destroys young innocent lives at a downward spiral.
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